AI & creativity

4 principles that save me from free-falling into AI

Setting a time limit, answering the why, analyzing AI tools, choosing the right one

Eva Schicker
5 min readApr 29, 2024


Excerpt of an AI-generated Midjourney image. Full image below.
Excerpt of an AI-generated Midjourney image. Full image below.

The Siren call

AI is here to stay. Within a shortest of time, it has become a voice implanted in my creator mind that, without the secrets of AI, my future creative self will be shriveled to the shape of an unrecognizable micro-slice of a vegetable.

Furthermore, my art life will be rendered so insignificant that I might turn into a tiniest grain of sand on the remotest shore of a remote island.

Some days I see AI as the blackest cloud in storm system bursting into torrential rain washing away every inch of my creative soul.

Grappling with the multitude of AI menaces and the opportunity cost spent on the AI monster, I started to compare myself to Odysseus.

The story of Odysseus & the Sirens

During the Bronze age, after winning the war against Troy, Odysseus set sail to return to his beloved wife Penelope on the island of Ithaca, where he reigned as king. However, on his journey home across the Mediterranean, he had to pass the island of the Sirens.



Eva Schicker

Hello. I write about UX, UI, AI, animation, tech, fiction, art, & travel through the eyes of a designer & painter. I live in NYC. Author of Princess Lailya.