UX & The Creator’s world
The weirdness when your creative social platform breaks up with you over nothing
In essence, AI break-ups are the worst UX ever
How it happened
The knife-sharp message delivered to my inbox read:
Unfortunately, your portfolio has not garnered enough attention from our clients. In light of this, we have taken the decision to end our collaboration. [Your bot.]
Seemingly, my stats on that creative platform were not good enough to warrant any type of status on that platform any longer. Whatever those stats used for metrics must have included my time spent daily, which is not much because I had logged on only sporadically after an initial burst of activity.
As a UX designer, I’m scratching my head over this email. What a one-way decision. What non-collaboration.
That was a bummer message. Not only had I joined this creative platform in its beta stages when features were still wobbly, I had invested numerous assets and countless creative hours producing content. Their main business plan focused on selling art and artistic objects, and they needed content to drive metrics. I had signed up because I felt that there was a mutual passion for art.